About Us
Our Vision: We envision holistic, humanizing, vibrant and connected school communities where students’ trauma is not treated with a deficit lens. Instead, caring and connected adults can provide support and build their resilience to develop social emotional skills to reach their highest potential.
Love and Somatic Abolitionism undergirds all the work we do in the world.
("Somatic abolitionism is a living, embodied, anti-racist practice and cultural building--a way of being in the world. It is a return tot he age-old wisdom of human bodies respecting, honoring, and resonating wiht other human bodies." Resmaa Menakem)
Our Values:
• Equity • Trust • Integrity • Empowerment • Innovation • Service Excellence
©The Ethic of Radical Empathy (in the context of trauma)
Confirmation: Students feel support from their school/teachers and know they recognize their unique human expression of a common spirit, power, or energy inherent in all life.
Empathetic Dialogue: Students can connect and engage in dialogue with their teachers and know they will be seen and heard through their lived experiences.
Validation: Students feel validated and seen whereas they do not have to divorce themselves from their authentic reality.
Modeling Empathy: Students know that their teachers are empathetic carers and concerned with their growth (socio-emotionally / academically) and demonstrate in their relationships with them what it means to care.
Radical “Rida” Teaching: The teacher acknowledges institutional and systemic inequity in broader society and its impact on the education system leading to educational harm and mistrust for students and their communities in the areas of race, class, culture, power, sex, and gender. Teaching with a social justice lens, s/he/they does the following:
Has a growth mindset and validates student experiences
Engages in authentic caring
Explicit focus on establishing trusting, safe relationships with students
Practices self-awareness around personal triggers to reduce impact on students and classroom environment

Schools and Organizations TrUTH has partnered with: